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> Green Efficiency
GTL is into service industry and does not generate major hazardous waste. However, to enable more efficient use of raw materials and energy across economy and society at large, we at GTL are continuously looking for ways to either reuse or recycle waste produced as result of our business activities, to the extent possible.
The company has set processes that ensure proper and safe disposal of hazardous wastes generated if any through the processes of Waste Management, Recharging, Pollution Check and Noise Reduction
Waste Management
Pollution Check
Noise Reduction
Waste Management
GTL works hard to manage its waste efficiently and cost effectively. By reducing the waste we not only create but also increase the amount we reuse or recycle.
The types of waste & their disposal are given below
Paper Waste
- Unusable waste papers are shredded and sent to paper mills for recycling.
Used DG Oil
- The hazardous waste generated from DG sets is in the form of lube oil. Used lube oil is disposed off to CPCB / MOEF authorized recyclers
Used Lead Batteries
- Used and non-rechargeable batteries are stored in a specified location under controlled conditions and given to CPCB / MOEF authorized recyclers
Bio-degradable Canteen Waste
- Dry and Wet waste generated out of canteen activities are disposed in NMMC waste bins which then goes for land filling.
The company is also going in for installing Organic Waste Converter to comprehensively process all kinds of organic wastes
E-waste management
- GTL has donated about 250 used PCs to our foundation for the purpose of imparting computer literacy in rural India.
Plastic Waste
- Plastics Bags are strictly prohibited in GTL.
To make a positive impact in greening up the world that we live in, GTL undertakes various internal and external environmental initiatives.
:: Plantation
GTL has carried out an aggressive greening program around the plant’s vicinity because we believe in restoring to nature that we take from it. Over the years the company has planted more than 2000 trees. Free saplings are distributed to employees to improve the environmental quality. We have developed a garden in the land leased by MIDC opposite to our office. We have developed garden in an area of 1796 sq meter. About 1800 sq. meters of the land are covered by green foliage which besides making the campus green also acts as carbon sink.
Total area of Industry / Organization vis-à-vis total area covered with plantation
The company has carried out an aggressive greening programme around the plant’s vicinity. Over the years the company has planted more than 2000 trees. Free saplings are distributed to employees to improve the environmental quality. We have developed a garden in the land leased by MIDC opposite to our office. We have developed garden in an area of 1796 sq meter.
:: Rainwater harvesting
As part of its water stewardship initiative, GTL is in the process of implementing rainwater harvesting system in place.
Pollution Check
:: Initiative taken for abatement of Green House Gases.
Being an energy conscious & environment friendly organization, it is our prime duty to protect the Climate and restore the environment in a sustainable manner. As climate change is global issue, it is not limited to one country or particular region. GTL has taken many initiatives in addressing theses issues. Also critical issues & significant impacts have been addressed in our Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2015 certification).
Stack Emissions are monitored periodically and maintained well within the prescribed limit. Emissions from vehicular movement are controlled by ensuring that all the vehicles entering the company are PUC compliant.
Measures taken to mitigate various pollutants :
Measures Adopted to Abate / Mitigate the pollutants
Air Pollution :
Tree plantation done on World Environment Day. Top Management involved in the tree plantation.
Tree Plantation program
The program
Tree Plantation Program was organized by on 22 July at Mahape Office.
The program was graced by the presence of Senior management team and employees. About 22 saplings were planted
Company ensures that vehicles entering in the premise are PUC checked NO PUC NO ENTRY policy adopted for vehicles entering GTL premises.
Maintenance of company owned vehicles for exhaust/smoke emissions periodically.
Mass awareness campaigns are conducted as observance of World environment day etc.
Solid Pollution :
Mass awareness campaign on reducing paper consumption. Use of one sided paper and recycled paper. Tie up with paper recyclers for recycling of paper waste.
E-waste sent to authorized recyclers for disposal.
Hazardous waste disposed only to MPCB and CPCB authorized recyclers.
Use of eco friendly housekeeping materials.
Water Pollution :
Ban on use of hazardous chemicals for cleaning. Use of only environment friendly cleaning materials.
Installation of Sewage treatment plant to treat waste water and use for gardening and cleaning vehicles in under consideration.
Noise Reduction
Noise reduction measures at GTL are as follows:
DG set: Canopy has been made around the DG set and as per Pollution control board rule, the difference of noise inside and outside canopy is more then 25 dB
Vehicular noise: Carrying out periodic checks and maintenance of the protocol vehicles entering the premises. Any abnormality found is treated immediately. Outsider's vehicles are not allowed inside the premises (under no PUC, no entry policy)
Other Segments
Environment Management System
Reduction in consumption of natural resources
Training & Awareness
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