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Issue 3 - April 2014
  News of Global Group  
Manoj Tirodkar Speech on Women’s Day,
By Mr. Manoj Tirodkar, CMD, GTL Limited.

Good morning, I am happy to welcome all of you on this important woman’s day. At GTL, many of you working side by side with your male colleagues have helped, contributed in many ways for this organization, where it is today. No doubt, the challenges that we face in today’s world are complex in many cases and require separate skills. Some are technological, some are human, some that are not
there in any book and this is where I believe that among other things woman play a very important role.

I have always believed that GTL is like a big family and in that context, from what you know of holding a family together, encouraging family as well as contributing towards growth of the family, is an important value that I think woman bring to the table and to GTL as a group. Many woman in our company have grown through their hard work, through their perseverance and through their commitment.

On my part, I continue to encourage the HR department to try to find out ways and means to remunerate, to identify, and to promote equal contribution from woman as men. In that context, I think that many of you, who have been around here for many years need to actively participate with both the HR as well as the renewed effort we are making in our corporate relation department, to let us know, how we can do several things by which we can add value to you in return.


On our part, education for those who needed, medical and
insurance facilities for families as well as opportunities and
careers that offer growth both domestically and internationally
are some ways I believe you can participate in.

The recent amendment to Company’s Act also says that, it will be necessary to have at least one woman director on board of every listed company. This is an important step in the direction to try and include woman in management, in policymaking, in strategy decision making, as well as in overall growth of companies. I think, we need to sort of get engaged with both HR and management to see how you can participate on this major initiative that has been
encouraged by the Government of India. The other aspect
of where I think woman can really add value is that in otherwise difficult complex situation, the stability that is brought by you to any family, an important thing that we need to practice in business. No doubt, there is tremendous pressure for those of you work. There is pressure and stress of travel, there is pressure and stress of family back home and then there is pressure and stress of financial affairs, with the things basically becoming so adverse in terms of inflation and cost etc. But as we all grapple to learn, to
handle ourselves it is also important that besides day to day work you think of how you can contribute and we from a male stand point also think how we can contribute to your overall growth.

I think, there is one more area where you can basically bring in a lot of strength to our company. In an otherwise difficult situation, in trying to rebuild the very basic of our company I believe that the knowledge and information, and the stability that most of you and woman in general bring, could be very critical to our growth and success.

Thank you for being here today.

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