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May 2014 - Issue 4

Green Lane

In a unique initiative, Global Foundation supported Mr. Ashik Jain, who cycled from Kashmir to kanya kumari spreading message of cycling and peace and Harmony.

Green Lane campaign had been conceived by a young 22 year old architect, Ashik Jain. Ashik is passionate about bringing in awareness and a change on this cause for a green lane in India. He has undertaken a unique journey on a cycle from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, a distance of 5000 Kms and met with over 70 schools to share the message of peace and harmony amongst school children and young adults.

The entire journey was anchored and monitored by establishing a command center at Global Innov ource head quarters in Vikhroli. The command center was headed by Major Sachin Kulve (retd) and was instrumental in

:: Tracking the daily progress of Ashik Jain

:: Finalizing the route to be taken by making a Reece and mapping out the best route

:: Involving the regional offices of Innovsource and the local partners (more than 17 partners were involved) to anchor the tour in their respective region and seamless handover to the next region.

:: The local teams played a vital role in receiving Ashik, arranging for his stay, creating awareness through customized collaterals, arranging local media interviews, meetings with local dignitaries, co-ordinating with local cycling groups, talks in the schools and also importantly ensuring the safety and security of the participants.

:: The involvement of the partners in the Company’s CSR activity is a good case study of integrating the Company’s CSR activities among its supply chain, and giving the partners a chance to participate in making a better world.

The entire initiative was actively supported by Mr. Shishir Gorle and Mr. Rajasekhar Reddy of Global Innovsource.

Donation of sewing machines

Global foundation, donated four sewing machines to Gramdnyanvardhini Centre (VKC) –in Pinguli to encourage girls and women to take up self-employment in stitching trade. These machines will help the students in the various arts of stitching. Along with teaching the trade of stitching , employment is also generated in the institute. In this Centre various forms of arts such as dress making, fashion designing, gold and silver plated thread work, embroidery, making of soft toys, making of various articles from velvet threads, glass and cloth paintings, as well as Indian cultural rangoli is taught to the students. This tailoring Centre is run with the co-operation and support of Global foundation. 11 students completed 6 months tailoring course in the month of January 2014.

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